Top Questions
Benefits of Massage
- Relieve stress- Relieve pain- Reduce anxiety- Helps with Fibromyalgia- Reduce muscle tension & stiffness- Sleep better- Boosts Immunity- Enhance exercise performance- Relieve tension headaches- Ease symptoms of depression- Helps balance chakras- Reduce pain of osteoarthritis- Improve cardiovascular health- Improve balance- Improves circulation- Decrease rheumatoid arthritis pain- Temper effects of dementia- Promotes relaxation- Promotes Digestion- Lowers blood pressure- Increases range of motion- Decrease migraine frequency
What will my first session be like?
I encourage everyone to feel welcomed and comfortably relaxed. It is very important to please arrive at least 15 minutes early for first time clients to ensure you have enough time to fill out paperwork and utilize the restroom. Otherwise, it may run into your massage time and I can not go over because I have other clients afterwards to setup for. You will need to fill out a form. Once you are finished and you've used the restroom. We will discuss your needs and what you are hoping to get out of your session. I will ask you a few questions regarding pressure, areas of pain or concern, areas you do not want massaged such as scalp, face or glute area and any allergies to oils. Cell phones need to be put on silent mode so that you can fully relax and I can do my job more effectively.Then you will be taken back to your massage where once I have stepped out, you will undress to your comfort level. Clients typically leave their panties or briefs on. It's up to you. During the massage you will be asked if you are comfortable on the table then later, comfortable with the pressure and to speak up if you need me to adjust pressure. You will be draped and secured the entire time. After the massage, you will get dressed while I grab water for you. Afterwards, we will discuss whether you would like to re-book and if so, a treatment plan and I will give my suggestions and recommendations. I will accept cash or credit. As always, tips are very much appreciated but not required. MALE clients: Please keep the session professional and nonsexual or you will be asked to get dressed and leave. I enforce these rules for yours and my safety. I ask that you provide a credit card to hold the appointment. Your card will not be charged unless you decide to not show up to your appointment, then I will charge 50% of your initial due amount. Other than that I am excited to get to know my clients and hopefully become regular visitors.
Enjoyed your massage? It is courtesy to leave gratuity but not expected.
STANDARD Tipping Scale: (15% to 20% is suggested)
1 HOUR- Great $15+/ Good $13 / Fair $10
90 MINS - Great $20+/ Good $18 / Fair $15
120 MINS - Great $25+ / Good $23 / Fair $20
What is a knot and what causes it?
The medical term for muscle knots is myofascial trigger points. These knots occur when muscle fibers or the bands of tissue called fascia underneath them tense and tighten. Myofascial trigger points can cause pain and affect range of motion, so the individual should always aim to treat them early. Knots are hard, sensitive areas of muscles that tighten and contract even when the muscle is at rest. These tense muscle fibers can cause pain in other parts of the body when touched. Muscle knots can also be caused by a sedentary lifestyle.
What can I do to live a more balanced and centered lifestyle without stress?
Make sure you are taking time for yourself. There are many things you can do to give more time for yourself. You can read books on self care or self improvement. Whether it be mentally, spiritually or physically. You need all 3...mind, body and spirit to live a happier more mindful life. Watch uplifting documentaries to raise your vibration or overall well being. In other words, do things that make you feel good. Spend time in nature and do some hiking. Nature is a great healer because it's energy exudes love. Spend time in the sun. Good o' natural vitamin D is a serotonin inhibitor. Light is important because we are light beings. Pay attention to your diet. Are you eating colorful vibrant wholesome foods or are you eating trash. You will feel what you eat. Eat veggies, fruits, nuts and grains. Limit your protein intake. Fish, chicken and turkey is best as far as meat goes.Drink plenty of water. Naturally alkaline is the best way to replenish and hydrate. Coconut water is another excellent hydrating liquid. Do yoga! Stretching is, I'd say the most important of them all. With stretching it is also important that you understand the power of breathing. Most people breath incorrectly. The breath is the outlet to releasing energy. We filter out the bad by exhaling and breathe in new life. Be careful of yours thoughts, they can act as poison for your mind. Feed it positive seeds so it can thrive.